This website is really the product of many people — those who created terrific guide books, those who gathered first person accounts and data, the visionaries who created the historic highway and the activists who preserved it. Each left a legacy.
The guides I used for creating this site included Curious Gorge by Scott Cook, Building the Columbia River Highway: They Said It Couldn’t Be Done, by Peg Willis, The Magnificent Gateway: A Geology of the Columbia River Gorge by John Eliot Allen, Columbia River Gorge A Complete Guidebook by Philip Jones, NW Hiker,, Columbia River Gorge Bike Map by ODOT, and others.
Links and Resources
Reservations and Info
- Oregon State Parks (info) 800-551-6940
- Oregon Parks Association (info)
- Washington State Parks 888-226-7688 (reservations)
- (reservations)
- (reservations) 800-452-5687
- (reservations)
- State tourism 800-547-7842
- The Nature of the Northwest (maps) 971-673-2331
- U.S. Forest Service (503) 808-2468
- Bureau of Land Management (map sales, info) 503-808-6002
- Federal public lands (Internet data base)
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,333 S.W. First Ave., Portland

- Historic Columbia River Highway
- Interstate 84 in Oregon
- Sam Hill
- Samuel C. Lancaster
- Columbia River
- Columbia River Gorge
- Missoula Floods
- Chanticleer Point
- Vista House
- Cascade Locks
- Bonneville Dam
- Hood River
- The Dalles, Oregon
- The Dalles Dam
- Celilo Falls
- Maryhill Museum
- Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center (Skamania, WA)
- Columbia Gorge Discovery Center (The Dalles)
- Maryhill Museum of Art
- Hood River Co. Museum
- Western Antique Aeroplane and Automobile Museum (Hood River)
- Bridle Veil
- Attractions at Cascade Locks
- Attractions at Corbet
- Attractions at Eagle Creek
- Attractions at Hood River
- Attractions at Mosier
- Attractions at The Dalles
- Travel Portland: The Gorge
- Historic Highway State Trail Maps
- Forest Service: Maps
- Gorge Bike Map
- Portland to Hood River Bike Map
- Forest Service: Gorge
- Maps & Publications
- Oregon State Archives
- Cascade Locks Map .pdf
- Hood River Map .pdf
- The Dalles Map .pdf
- Ainsworth State Park
- Beacon Rock State Park
- Benson State Recreation Area
- Bridal Veil Falls State Scenic Viewpoint
- Crown Point State Scenic Corridor
- Corbett
- Dabney State Recreation Area
- George W. Joseph State Natural Area
- Guy W. Talbot State Park
- Historic Columbia River Highway State Trail
- John B. Yeon State Scenic Corridor
- Koberg Beach State Recreation Site
- Lewis and Clark State Recreation Site
- Mayer State Park
- Memaloose State Park
- Portland Women’s Forum State Scenic Viewpoint
- Rooster Rock State Park
- Seneca Fouts Memorial State Natural Area
- Shepperd’s Dell State Natural Area
- Starvation Creek State Park
- Viento State Park
- Vinzenz Lausmann Memorial State Natural Area
- Wygant State Natural Area
- Historic Columbia River Highway State Trail
- State Trail Photos
- Oregon State Parks in the Columbia River Gorge
- FS: National Scenic Area
- FS: Recreation
- The Outdoor Project
- Columbia Gorge Scenic Waterfalls
- 360 Labs panoramas of the region
- Gigapans: Columbia River Gorge
- 360 Cities: Gorge Panoramas
- Panoramio: Columbia River Map
- Panoramio: Columbia River Gorge
- Don Bain’s 360 Panoramas
- Jim Cole’s Whole Reality
- 360vrs
- Flickr: Columbia Gorge Group
- Instagram: Columbia Gorge
- Google Images: Historic Columbia River Highway
- Carlton Watkins Stereo Photographs
- Beinecke Digital Collections on Columbia Gorge
- U/O: Historical Stereo Collections
- California State Library: Stereo Collections
Early Stereo Photos of The Gorge
Commissions and Agencies
- Timeline of Oregon History
- Center for Columbia River History
- Columbia River Highway (OR Encyclopedia)
- Oregon Historical Society
- Oregon History Project
- Troutdale Historical Society
- Historic Hood River
- Historic The Dalles
- L.O.C. “Columbia River”
- Columbia River Gorge
- A history of policies of the Bonneville Power Administration
- NW Digital Archives
- Historic Oregon Newspapers
- Oregon Explorer (Maps)
- U/O Library Exhibits
- Vintage Highway Photos
- Gathering the Stories
- Old Oregon
- Forest Service: History
- L&C, 1805: Cascade Locks to Bonneville Portage
- L&C, 1805: Shepperd’s Dell to Bonneville
- Explore the
- Building the Columbia River Highway: They Said It Couldn’t Be Done
- Recreating The Historic Columbia River Highway
- Geologic History of the Columbia Gorge
- Columbia River Geologic History
- USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory
- BPA: Columbia Basin Geology
- Allen: The Magnificent Gateway
- Sculpted by Floods: The Northwest’s Ice Age Legacy
- Ice Age Floods Institute
- Missoula Floods
- Nova: Mystery of the Megaflood
- Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT)
- ODOT: Gorge Highway
- ODOT: Poetry in Stone
- ODOT Tripcheck
- ODOT Links
- Library of Congress Engineering documents
Other Links and Resources
- Oregonian: Best Spring Hikes on Washington Side
- Oregonian: Five Best Hikes for Autumn
- Oregonian: Top Gorge Falls.
- Gorge waterfall hikes for a rainy day
- Waterfalls Northwest
- Oregon PCT, south to north
- Oregonian: Larch Mountain Trail
- Fun Things to Do on the Washington Side
- Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area
- Winery Locations & Touring Map
- Curious Gorge Guidebook
- Wildflowers in the Columbia gorge
Twitter & Social Media
- Instagram: Or State Parks
- Twitter: @GorgeGuide
- #columbiarivergorge
- #KlickitatCounty
- #SkamaniaCounty
- @Hood River County
- #traveloregon
- @thebulletin
- @TheDallesChronicle
- #Vista House
- @CascadeLocksOR
- #PacificCrestTrail
- #Wild
- @BLMOregon
- @VisitHoodRiver
- @mthood
- #The Dalles
- Gorge Discovery Center
- #Goldendale
- @MaryHillMuseum
- Gorge Windsurfing
- @GorgeWind
- @ORStateParks
- @KiteboardGorge
- #Kiteboarding
- @gorgewine
- #gorgewine
- #WhiteSalmon